时间:2021-05-26 来源:网络 浏览:同学们好呀,相信很多同学正在为22考研英语复习着,单词积累是最基本的,而英语阅读和作文都需要我们会理解、运用长难句哦。考研英语复习不仅要长期积累,也需要我们有重点突破和方法哦。为大家整理了考研英语复习经验的相关内容:长难句解析练习1,一起来看看吧。【文末领资料】
A systemwide rethinking of technology policy and design is in order,” says Tristan Harris, //cofounder of the Center for Humane Technology, //a children’s advocacy group, //which is pushing for restraints on the ability of platform tech companies to use persuasive technologies in marketing to the most vulnerable consumers, namely children.
【主干】 A systemwide rethinking of technology policy and design is in order,” says Tristan Harris。【修饰成分】cofounder of the Center for Humane Technology 是Tristan Harris 的同位语。a children’s advocacy group 是 the Center for Humane Technology 的同位语。Which is pushing for restraints on the ability of platform tech companies to use persuasive technologies in marketing to the most vulnerable consumers, namely children是定语从句,修饰 a children’s advocacy group。
【翻译】人文科技中心的联合创始人特里斯坦· 哈里斯说:“全面重新思考技术政策和设计是妥当的。”该儿童倡导组织正在推动限制这些平台科技公司使用劝诱技术把产品营销给最脆弱的消费者即儿童的能力。
以上文都网校考研为考生整理的“22考研英语复习:长难句解析练习1”的内容,希望能帮助到大家。更多考研动态、资讯尽在文都网校考研频道!有问题找文都☞☞☞详情咨询入口 >>>
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