时间:2020-11-09 来源:中国新闻网 浏览:2021考研专硕复习已经开始,报考翻译硕士的小伙伴时注意基础复习,进而整体把握!翻译硕士考研复习时,不仅要复习翻硕百科知识,也要多看看中国日报信息,了解翻译硕士考研热词。接下来文都网校考研小编为小伙伴分享2021翻译硕士MTI热词(中国日报10月热词)。快来看看吧~
China will be able to meet all of its nine pollution control targets during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period as scheduled. "The environmental improvements in the country after 2015 have been bigger than those in each of the other five-year plan periods," said Zhao Yingmin, vice-minister of ecology and environment, at the news conference.
2019年全国地表水质量达到或好于Ⅲ类水体(the proportion of surface water with a water quality rating of Grade III or higher)比例上升8.9个百分点,达到74.9%,
地表水质量劣Ⅴ类水体比例(the proportion of water with quality below Grade V)下降6.3个百分点,达到3.4%;
细颗粒物(PM2.5)未达标地级及以上城市浓度(density of PM 2.5 in prefecture-level cities with low air quality standards)下降23.1%,
全国337个地级及以上城市空气质量优良天数比率(the proportion of days with good air quality in 337 prefecture-level cities)达到82%;
化学需氧量、氨氮、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放总量(discharge of chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and oxynitride)累计分别下降11.5%、11.9%、22.5%、16.3%;
单位GDP二氧化碳排放(carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP)累计降低18.2%。
From January to September, the proportion of days with fairly good air quality in those cities reached 87.2 percent, 5.7 percentage points higher than that of the same period in 2019. The country is expected to meet its ninth goal of at least 84.5 percent of days with good air quality in the 337 monitored cities by year's end.
以上文都网校考研为考生整理的2021翻译硕士MTI中国日报10月热词哦,小编还会持续为小伙伴们更新2021考研专业课知识哦,希望能帮助到大家。更多专硕复习资料尽在文都网校考研频道!有问题找文都☞☞☞详情咨询入口 >>
- 2021翻译硕士考研
- 翻译硕士考研热词
- 2021翻译硕士MT
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