时间:2017-07-07 来源:文都网校 浏览:2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面文都网校考研频道整理了2018考研英语双语阅读精选,快来学习吧!
The landslide from a high part of a mountain in Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture of Aba hit Xinmo Village at about 6 am on Saturday, blocking a 2-km section of a river and burying over 100 people.
The Sichuan provincial government has launched the highest level of disaster relief response and sent rescue teams to the site.
山体滑坡(landslide)俗称“走山”、“垮山”,是常见的地质灾害(geologic hazard)之一。
经专家现场踏勘初步分析,这是一次降雨诱发的高位远程崩滑碎屑流灾害(debris flow caused by heavy rainfall),垮塌山体为当地新磨村新村组富贵山山体,塌方量约为800万立方米(collapsed rubble of about 8 million cubic meters)。
目前300余名受灾群众(residents from the disaster-hit area)已被转移安置在附近的叠溪镇叠溪小学和白腊寨村白腊酒店。抢险救灾指挥部已组织专门力量,由专人陪护进行心理疏导(psychological counseling),并发放食品、饮用水、棉被等物资,安排基本生活。
共青团四川省委倡议在茂县参与救援的社会救援力量理性、有序的撤退(evacuate in a rational and orderly way),准备前往茂县的社会力量,暂时不要盲目前往灾区,等待专业人员或政府评估灾情后,做好过渡安置(transitional settlement)或灾后重建(post-disaster reconstruction)准备。
mudslide 泥石流
mudslide-stricken region 泥石流受灾地区
geological disasters 地质灾害
secondary disaster 次生灾害
barrier lake 堰塞湖
upper reaches 上游河段
the water level of the lake 湖水水位
the lake's water volume 湖水水量
landslide 山体滑坡
rain-triggered landslide 暴雨引发的山体滑坡
raised riverbed 抬高的河床
mountain torrents 山洪
flood peak 洪峰
blackout 断电/停电
rescue 救援
mass evacuation 大规模疏散
the emergency rescue headquarters 紧急救援指挥部
excavator 开凿机
controlled explosions 受控爆炸
discharge flood waters 分流洪水
flood prevention ability 防洪能力
downstream residences 下流住宅
golden window 救援黄金时间
relief vehicles 救援车辆
epidemic prevention 传染病预防
psychological trauma 心理创伤
voluntary rescue work 志愿救援工作
bamboo bed 竹床
disinfectant 消毒剂
living subsidy 生活补助
resettlement 重新安置
death toll 死亡人数
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