时间:2014-08-11 来源:网络 浏览:文都网校专硕 资料中心, 点击注册即可免费资料下载。 |
导读:在 翻译硕士备考中,同学最不容易忽略的是平时对词汇的积累。为了帮助同学们学习,今天和大家一起学习的是关于教育类的相关英语词汇。
振兴教育事业revitalize education
职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
中等专业学校 secondary specialized school
高校最低录取线 minimum scores for university entrance requirements
计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction
学位评定委员会 academic degrees evaluation committee
学历、学位互认 mutual recognition of academic credentials and degrees
联合国翻译训练班 UN Translation and Interpretation Training Course
农业实用技术培训 training through various practical agricultural courses
教师教学质量评估 instruction performance quality assessment scheme高等职业技术院校higher vocational and technical institutions
循序渐进的教学方法 progressive teaching method
中央广播电视大学 China Central Radio and TV University (CCRTVU)
聪明才智得到充分发挥 bring the talent and creativity into full play
等值、等效、功能对等 equivalent value, equivalent effect and functional equivalence
国家重点科技攻关项目 National Key Scientific and Technological Project
有中国特色的教育体系 educational system with Chinese characteristics
教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来 education should be geared to the needs of modernization, of the world and of the future
- 翻译硕士
- 责任编辑:纪念