

时间:2015-08-19 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:

      2016 考研英语阅读的学习,很多时候是通过考生平时一点一滴练习积累起来的。为此,文都网校特意在《经济学人》中节选了本段文章,希望对 2016考研的同学们有所帮助,切记在阅读的同时也不要忘记思考呦。


      To understand current patterns one first has to remember how American firms behaved during the 2007-09 recession. At that time, they were desperate to cut costs. They would like to have foisted pay cuts on their staff. But cutting pay is harder than it sounds. Meanwhile, were squeezed in order to boost their productivity, so as to manage too-high wage rates without having to lay off the cream of the payroll. As conditions improved after the recession ended, firms' prior response left them with a wage hangover. Rather than continue to pump workers for extra productivity, firms preferred to return to more normal management conditions, and to let too-high wages adjust over time: “pent-up” wage cuts have been achieved simply by not granting raises. Wages, in other words, are not rising by more because in many cases they are already too high.



      另外还存在一些其他的原因:一是许多工人没有要求提高工资many workers are not demanding high wages. 这或许可以被归结为在2013年年底对美国失业保险项目的一次改革,这次改革大大地降低了美国人能够领取失业救济的最长时间。大约130万美国人受到了直接的影响。由于无以求助,许多失业者的工资预期就降了下来。(that may be down to a reform to America's unemployment-insurance scheme taken at the end of 2013, which slashed the maximum time for which Americans could draw unemployment benefits. About 1.3m Americans were affected immediately. With nothing to fall back on, the wage expectations for many unemployed people fell.)2013年多的失业保险改革这个背景信息是在15年的真题当中涉及过的,大家一定要引起重视。

      文章最后指出,工资停滞不前( sluggish wages)的最大原因仍旧是近年来主要问题:美国病态的劳动力市场( America's sickly labour market)。同以前相比,现在的美国劳动力市场非常强劲,但是这种强劲离着完全健康还有很长的一段距离。产生快速且持续的工资增长将需要更长时间的强劲的工作增长。希望大家认真研读今天的时文精析,文都教育祝愿大家百尺竿头,更进一步!Fighting!


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