

时间:2015-06-04 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:

      导语:“据英国《金融时报》5月12日报道,美国国债市场11日遭遇了逾两个月来最严重的抛售,将美国借贷成本推升至今年最高收盘水平。”金融话题一直是 考研英语阅读中的热点, 2016考研的小伙伴们对这方面的新闻多关注。

      The US government bond market suffered its worstsell-off in more than two months on Monday ascontagion from the European bond rout rolledacross the Atlantic, pushing US borrowing coststowards their highest closing levels this year.


      The US Treasury market has felt the heat from theturmoil in eurozone debt markets in recent weeks,but has generally held up better than most Europeangovernment bonds, which have suffered a sharp reversal from the quantitative-easinginspired rally earlier this year.


      The US resilience evaporated on Monday, as the 10-year Treasury yield shot up by 13 basispoints — the most since March 6 — to 2.28 per cent. The 10-year yield touched a 2015intraday high of 2.31 per cent last week, but Monday’s close was the highest closing level thisyear. German government bonds suffered further falls, but the benchmark 10-year Bund yieldonly rose 6bp to 0.6 per cent.


      Most analysts and investors have attributed the gyrations to an overdue reversal of stretchedand crowded trades, with the turmoil exacerbated by a dearth of liquidity in bond markettrading.


      “A trickle of selling is turning into a torrent,” said William O’Donnell, head of US rates strategyat RBS. “Bonds have been overbought for some time now?.?.?.?The risk is that we now see a verysignificant correction.”

      苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)美国利率策略主管威廉?奥唐奈(William O'Donnell)表示:“小股抛售行为正在演变成大举抛售。如今,债券超买现象已持续了一段时间……我们如今看到了一次极大幅度的调整——这正是其中的风险所在。”

      In the US longer-dated Treasuries have taken the biggest hit, with the 30-year yield climbing13bp to above the 3 per cent mark for the first time in 2015. That has lifted the differencebetween the five and 30-year yields to 145 basis points, the most since November.


      The jump in the “term premium” — the extra interest investors demand to buy longer-datedbonds — comes after Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen last week warned that the rally inlonger-dated Treasuries could be reversed quickly when the central bank begins to raise rates.

      在“期限溢价”(term premium,指投资者购买较长期限债券时索取的额外利息)这次大幅提升以前,美联储(Fed)主席珍妮特?耶伦(Janet Yellen)曾在上周警告说,一旦美联储开始加息,较长期国债的上涨势头可能会很快逆转。


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