

时间:2020-05-08 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      经典名句-英文:but around here once you have a drop of Negroblood, that makes you all black.



      “No,” said Jem, “nobody ever knew quite why but Mr. Dolphus. They said it wasbecause she found out about his colored woman, he reckoned he could keep her andget married too. He’s been sorta drunk ever since. You know, though, he’s real good tothose chillun—”


      “Jem,” I asked, “what’s a mixed child?”


      “Half white, half colored. You’ve seen ‘em, Scout. You know that red-kinky-headedone that delivers for the drugstore. He’s half white. They’re real sad.”


      “Sad, how come?”


      “They don’t belong anywhere. Colored folks won’t have ‘em because they’re halfwhite; white folks won’t have ’em cause they’re colored, so they’re just in-betweens,don’t belong anywhere. But Mr. Dolphus, now, they say he’s shipped two of his up north.  They don’t mind ‘em up north. Yonder’s one of ’em.”


      A small boy clutching a Negro woman’s hand walked toward us. He looked all Negroto me: he was rich chocolate with flaring nostrils and beautiful teeth. Sometimes hewould skip happily, and the Negro woman tugged his hand to make him stop.


      Jem waited until they passed us. “That’s one of the little ones,” he said.


      “How can you tell?” asked Dill. “He looked black to me.”


      “You can’t sometimes, not unless you know who they are. But he’s half Raymond, allright.”


      “But how can you tell?” I asked.


      “I told you, Scout, you just hafta know who they are.”


      “Well how do you know we ain’t Negroes?”


      “Uncle Jack Finch says we really don’t know. He says as far as he can trace back theFinches we ain’t, but for all he knows we mighta come straight out of Ethiopia durin‘ theOld Testament.”


      “Well if we came out durin‘ the Old Testament it’s too long ago to matter.”


      “That’s what I thought,” said Jem, “but around here once you have a drop of Negroblood, that makes you all black. Hey, look—”


      以上文都网校考研为考生整理的2021考研英语阅读练习资料,希望能帮助到大家。更多考研动态、资讯尽在文都网校考研频道!有问题找文都☞☞☞详情咨询入口 >>>









