时间:2020-05-08 来源:中国新闻网 浏览:2021考研专业课复习已经开始,报考翻译硕士的小伙伴时注意基础复习,进而整体把握!小编提醒大家翻译硕士考研考察知识面一般较广,考生们复习不能局限于书本内容,还需看中国日报上的信息。接下来文都网校考研小编为小伙伴分享2021翻译硕士MTI中国日报4月热词。快来看看吧~
Apple will close all its stores worldwide except those in China untill March 27 in response to the spread of coronavirus, said Apple CEO Tim Cook. "Apple will be temporarily closing all stores outside of Greater China until March 27 and committing $15 million to help with worldwide recovery." Cook tweeted on Saturday. According to his statement, the company is moving to flexible work arrangements in all of its offices worldwide except China, adding that its online stores will remain open. Apple reopened all 42 of its branded stores in China on Friday as the infection rates have dramatically declined in the country.
灵活的(adj.) flexible
感染率 infection rate
以上文都网校考研为考生整理的2021翻译硕士MTI中国日报4月热词哦,小编还会持续为小伙伴们更新2021考研专业课知识哦,希望能帮助到大家。更多考研动态、资讯尽在文都网校考研频道!有问题找文都☞☞☞详情咨询入口 >>>
- 2021翻译硕士考研
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- 翻译硕士考研
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