

时间:2020-04-21 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      One time, a bratty Hindi kid whose family had recently moved into the neighborhood told usthat in his Hometown, kite fighting had strict rules and regulations. "You have to play in aboxed area and you have to stand at a right angle to the wind," he said proudly. "And you can'tuse aluminum to make your glass string."


      Hassan and I looked at each other. Cracked up. The Hindi kid would soon learn what the Britishlearned earlier in the century, and what the Russians would eventually learn by the late1980s: that Afghans are an independent people. Afghans cherish custom but abhor rules. And so it was with kite fighting. The rules were simple: No rules. Fly your kite. Cut theopponents. Good luck.


      Except that wasn't all. The real fun began when a kite was cut. That was where the kite runnerscame in, those kids who chased the windblown kite drifting through the neighborhoods until itcame spiraling down in a field, dropping in someone's yard, on a tree, or a rooftop. The chasegot pretty fierce; hordes of kite runners swarmed the streets, shoved past each other like thosepeople from Spain I'd read about once, the ones who ran from the bulls. One year aneighborhood kid climbed a pine tree for a kite. A branch snapped under his weight and hefell thirty feet. Broke his back and never walked again. But he fell with the kite still in hishands. And when a kite runner had his hands on a kite, no one could take it from him. Thatwasn't a rule. That was custom.


      For kite runners, the most coveted prize was the last fallen kite of a winter tournament. It wasa trophy of honor, something to be displayed on a mantle for guests to admire. When the skycleared of kites and only the final two remained, every kite runner readied himself for thechance to land this prize. He positioned himself at a spot that he thought would give him a headstart. Tense muscles readied themselves to uncoil. Necks craned. Eyes crinkled. Fights brokeout. And when the last kite was cut, all hell broke loose.


      Over the years, I had seen a lot of guys run kites. But Hassan was by far the greatest kiterunner I'd ever seen. It was downright eerie the way he always got to the spot the kite wouldland before the kite did, as if he had some sort of inner compass.


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