

时间:2020-04-17 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      Baba never missed Hassan's birthday. For a while, heused to ask Hassan what he wanted, but he gave updoing that because Hassan was always too modestto actually suggest a present. So every winter Babapicked something out himself. He bought him aJapanese toy truck one year, an electric locomotiveand train track set another year. The previous year, Baba had surprised Hassan with a leather cowboyhat just like the one Clint Eastwood wore in "TheGood, the Bad, and the Ugly"--which had unseated "The Magnificent Seven" as our favorite Western. That whole winter, Hassan and I took turns wearing the hat, and belted out the film's famousmusic as we climbed mounds of snow and shot each other dead.


      We took off our gloves and removed our snow-laden boots at the front door. When we steppedinto the foyer, we found Baba sitting by the wood-burning cast-iron stove with a short,balding Indian man dressed in a brown suit and red tie.


      "Hassan," Baba said, smiling coyly, "meet your birthday present."


      Hassan and I traded blank looks. There was no gift-wrapped box in sight. No bag. No toy. JustAli standing behind us, and Baba with this slight Indian fellow who looked a little like amathematics teacher.


      The Indian man in the brown suit smiled and offered Hassan his hand. "I am Dr. Kumar," hesaid. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He spoke Farsi with a thick, rolling Hindi accent.


      "Salaam alaykum," Hassan said uncertainly. He gave a polite tip of the head, but his eyessought his father behind him. Ali moved closer and set his hand on Hassan's shoulder.


      Baba met Hassan's wary--and puzzled--eyes. "I have summoned Dr. Kumar from New Delhi. Dr. Kumar is a plastic surgeon."


      "Do you know what that is?" the Indian man--Dr. Kumar-- said.


      Hassan shook his head. He looked to me for help but I shrugged. All I knew was that you wentto a surgeon to fix you when you had appendicitis. I knew this because one of my classmateshad died of it the year before and the teacher had told us they had waited too long to take himto a surgeon. We both looked to Ali, but of course with him you could never tell. His face wasimpassive as ever, though something sober had melted into his eyes.


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