

时间:2020-04-09 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      经典名句-英文:Keep faith is a treasure, should not arbitrarily throw.



      It was necessary to borrow beds and hammocks from the neighbors, to set up nine shifts at the table, to fix hours for bathing, and to borrow forty stools so that the girls in blue uniforms with masculine buttons would not spend the whole day running from one place to another. The visit was a failure because the noisy schoolgirls would scarcely finish breakfast before they had to start taking turns for lunch and then for dinner, and for the whole week they were able to take only one walk through the plantations. At nightfall the nuns were exhausted, unable to move, give another order, and still the troop of tireless adolescents was in the courtyard singing school songs out of tune. One day they were on the point of trampling úrsula, who made an effort to be useful precisely where she was most in the way. On another day the nuns got all excited because Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had urinated under the chestnut tree without being concerned that the schoolgirls were in the courtyard. Amaranta was on the point of causing panic because one of the nuns went into the kitchen as she was salting the soup and the only thing that occurred to her to say was to ask what those handfuls of white powder were.

      这就不得不向邻居借用木床和吊铺,让大家分成九班轮流吃饭,规定沐浴的时间,而且借来了四十只凳子,免得穿着蓝制服和男靴的姑娘们整天在房子里荡来荡去。应付她们实在困难:闹喳喳的一群刚刚吃完早饭又要给另一批人开午饭,然后是晚饭;整整一个星期,女学生们只到种植园去游玩过一次。黑夜来临,为了把姑娘们赶上床铺,修女们累得精疲力尽,可是不管她们怎么卖力,总有一群不知疲倦的少女留在院子里,调门不准地高唱校歌。有一次,姑娘们差点儿绊倒了乌苏娜,因为她总喜欢到她最 能妨碍别人的地方去帮忙。另一次,由于奥雷连诺上校当着姑娘们的面在栗树下小便,修女们竟嚷叫起来。阿玛兰塔呢,差点儿引起了惊慌:她正把盐放在汤里时,一个修女走进厨房,立即问她撒到锅里的白色粉未是什么。

      "Arsenic," Amaranta answered.


      The night of their arrival the students carried on in such a way, trying to go to the bathroom before they went to bed, that at one o'clock in the morning the last ones were still going in. Fernanda then bought seventy--two chamberpots but she only managed to change the nocturnal problem into a morning one, because from dawn on there was a long line of girls, each with her pot in her hand, waiting for her turn to wash it. Although some of them suffered fevers and several of them were infected by mosquito bites, most of them showed an unbreakable resistance as they faced the most troublesome difficulties, and even at the time of the greatest heat they would scamper through the garden. When they finally left, the flowers were destroyed, the furniture broken, and the walls covered with drawings and writing, but Fernanda pardoned them for all of the damage because of her relief at their leaving. She returned the borrowed beds and stools and kept the seventy-two chamberpots in Melquíades' room. The locked room, about which the spiritual life of the house revolved in former times, was known from that time on as the "chamberpot room." For Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía it was the most appropriate name, because while the rest of the family was still amazed by the fact that Melquíades' room was immune to dust and destruction, he saw it turned into a dunghill. In any case, it did not seem to bother him who was correct, and if he found out about the fate of the room it was because Fernanda kept passing by and disturbing his work for a whole afternoon as she put away the chamberpots.


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