

时间:2020-04-07 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      经典名句-英文:Keep faith is a treasure, should not arbitrarily throw.



      "He won't ever come into this house again," Fernanda said, "as long as he carries the rash of the foreigners."


      Such was the narrowness imposed in the house that Aureli-ano Segun-do felt more comfortable at Petra Cotes's. First, with the pretext of taking the burden off his wife, he transferred his parties. Then, with the pretext that the animals were losing their fertility, he transferred his barns and stables. Finally, with the pretext that it was cooler in his concubine's house, he transferred the small office in which he handled his business. When Fernanda realized that she was a widow whose husband had still not died, it was already too late for things to return to their former state. Aureli-ano Segun-do barely ate at home and the only appearances he put in, such as to sleep with his wife, were not enough to convince anyone. One night, out of carelessness, morning found him in Petra Cotes's bed. Fernan-da, contrary to expectations, did not reproach him in the least or give the slightest sigh of resentment, but on the same day she sent two trunks with his clothing to the house of his concubine. She sent them in broad daylight and with instructions that they be carried through the middle of the street so that everyone could see them, thinking that her straying husband would be unable to bear the shame and would return to the fold with his head hung low. But that heroic gesture was just one more proof of how poorly Fernanda knew not only the character of her husband but the character of a community that had nothing to do with that of her parents, for everyone who saw the trunks pass by said that it was the natural culmination of a story whose intimacies were known to everyone, and Aureli-ano Segun-do celebrated the freedom he had received with a party that lasted for three days. To the greater disadvantage of his wife, as she was entering into a sad maturity with her somber long dresses, her old-fashioned medals, and her out-of-place pride, the concubine seemed to be bursting with a second youth, clothed in gaudy dresses of natural silk and with her eyes tiger--striped with a glow of vindication. Aureli-ano Segun-do gavehimself over to her again with the fury of adoles-cence, as before, when Petra Cotes had not loved him for himself but because she had him mixed up with his twin brother and as she slept with both of them at the same time she thought that God had given her the good fortune of having a man who could make love like two. The restored passion was so pressing that on more than one occasion they would look each other in the eyes as they were getting ready to eat and without saying anything they would cover their plates and go into the bedroom dying of hunger and of love. Inspired by the things he had seen on his furtive visits to the French matrons, Aureli-ano Segun-do bought Petra Cotes a bed with an archiepiscopal canopy, put velvet curtains on the windows, and covered the ceiling and the walls of the bedroom with large rock-crystal mirrors. At the same time he was more of a carouser and spendthrift than ever. On the train, which arrived every day at eleven o'clock, he would receive cases and more cases of champagne and brandy. On the way back from the station he would drag the improvised cumbiamba along in full view of all the people on the way, natives or outsiders, acquaintances or people yet to be known, without distinctions of any kind. Even the slippery Mr. Brown, who talked only in a strange tongue, let himself be seduced by the tempting signs that Aureli-ano Segun-do made him and several times he got dead drunk in Petra Cotes's house and he even made the fierce German shepherd dogs that went everywhere with him dance to some Texas songs that he himself mumbled in one way or another to the accompaniment of the accordion.

      家中的生活变得那么严峻,奥雷连诺第二就觉得在佩特娜。 柯特家里更舒服了。首先,他借口减轻妻子的负担,把酒宴移到了情妇家里。然后,借口牲畜正在丧失繁殖力,他又把畜栏和马厩迁到她那儿去了。最后,借口情妇家里不那么热,他甚至把经营买卖的小账房搬到了那儿。菲兰达发现自己变成了守活寡的妇人,时间已经迟了。奥雷连诺第二几乎不在家里吃饭,只是假装回家过夜,但这是骗不了人的。有一天早晨他不小心,有人发现他在佩特娜·柯特床上,然而出乎意外,他不仅没有听到妻子的一小点责备,甚至没有听到她最轻微的怨声,但是就在那一天,菲兰达把他的两口衣箱送到他的情妇家里。她是叫人大白天经过街道中间送去的,让全镇的人都能看见,以为不走正道的丈夫忍受不了耻辱,会弯着脖子回到窝里,可是这个勇敢的姿态只是再一次证明,菲兰达不熟悉丈夫的性格和马孔多的风习,这里的习俗和她父母的旧习毫无共同之处,——每一个看见箱子的人都说,这是故事的自然结局,故事的内情是人人皆知的。奥雷连诺第二却举办了三天的酒宴,庆贺他得到的自由,除了夫妇之间的不幸,菲兰达穿着硕长的黑衣服,戴着过时的颈饰,露出不合时宜的傲气,好象过早地衰老了;而穿着鲜艳的天然丝衣服的情妇,恕到被践踏的权利获得恢复,两眼闪着愉快的光彩,焕发了青春。奥雷连诺第二重新投入她的怀抱,象从前跟她睡在一起那么热情,因为当时她把他当成了他的孪生兄弟;跟两兄弟睡觉,她以为上帝给了她空前的幸福——一个男人能象两个男人那么爱她。复苏的情欲是遏制不住的:不止一次,他俩已经坐在桌边,彼此盯着对方的眼睛,一句话没说,遮上餐具,就到卧室里去——两人只顾发泄情欲,饿得要死。奥雷连诺第二偷袭法国艺妓时看见过一些东西,在这些东西的鼓舞下,他给佩特娜。 柯特买了一张有帐幔的床,象大主教的卧榻一样,在窗上挂起了丝绒帘子,在卧室的墙上和天花板上都安了挺大的镜子。同时,他比以前更加胡闹和挥霍了。每天早上十一点钟,列车都给他运来成箱的香摈酒和白兰地。奥雷连诺第二从车站上回来时,他都象在即兴舞蹈中那样,把路上偶然邂逅的人拖走,——本地人或外来人,熟人或生人,毫无区别。甚至只会说外国话的滑头的布劳恩先生,也被奥雷连诺的手势招引来了,好几次在佩特娜。柯特家里喝得酪叮大醉,有一回他甚至让随身的凶猛的德国牧羊犬跳舞,他自己勉强哼着得克萨斯歌曲,而由手风琴伴奏。

      "Cease, cows," Aureli-ano Segun-do shouted at the height of the party. "Cease, because life is short."


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