

时间:2020-04-03 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      经典名句-英文:Don't beg for any person in front of others, not humble.



      In that way the child gave her the information that was denied her by her eyes, and long before he went away to the seminary úrsula could already distinguish the different colors of the saints' clothing by the texture. Sometimes unforeseen accidents would happen. One afternoon when Amaranta was 'embroidering on the porch with the begonias úrsula bumped into her.


      "For heaven's sake," Amaranta protested. "watch where you're going."


      "It's your fault," úrsula said. "You're not sitting where you're supposed to."


      She was sure of it. But that day she began to realize something that no one had noticed and it was that with the passage of the year the sun imperceptibly changed position and those who sat on the porch had to change their position little by little without being aware of it. From then on úrsula had only to remember the date in order to know exactly where Amaranta was sitting. Even though the trembling of her hands was more and more noticeable and the weight of her feet was too much for her, her small figure was never seen in so many places at the same time. She was almost as diligent as when she had the whole weight of the house on her shoulders. Nevertheless, in the impenetrable solitude of decrepitude she had such clairvoyance as she examined the most insignificant happenings in the family that for the first time she saw clearly the truths that her busy life in former times had prevented her from seeing. Around the time they were preparing José Arcadio for the seminary she had already made a detailed recapitulation of life in the house since the founding of Macon-do and had completely changed the opinion that she had always held of her descendants. She realized that Colonel Aure-liano Buendía had not lost his love for the family because he had been hardened by the war, as she had thought before, but that he had never loved anyone, not even his wife Remedios or the countless one-night women who had passed through his life, and much less his sons. She sensed that he had fought so many wars not out of idealism, as everyone had thought, nor had he renounced a certain victory because of fatigue, as everyone had thought, but that he had won and lost for the same reason, pure and sinful pride. She reached the conclusion that the son for whom she would have given her life was simply a man incapable of love. One night when she was carrying him in her belly she heard him weeping. It was such a definite lament that José Arcadio Buendía woke up beside her and was happy with the idea that his son was going to be a ventriloquist. Other people predicted that he would be a prophet. She, on the other hand, shuddered from the certainty that the deep moan was a first indication of the fearful pig tail and she begged God to let the child die in her womb. But the lucidity of her old age allowed her to see, and she said so many times, that the cries of children in their mothers' wombs are not announcements of ventriloquism or a faculty for prophecy but an unmistakable sign of an incapacity for love. The lowering of the image of her son brought out in her all at once all the compassion that she owed him. Amaranta, however, whose hardness of heart frightened her, whose concentrated bitterness made her bitter, suddenly became clear to her in the final analysis as the most tender woman who had ever existed, and she understood with pitying clarity that the unjust tortures to which she had submitted Pietro Crespi had not been dictated by a desire for vengeance, as everyone had thought, nor had the slow martyrdom with which she had frustrated the life of Colonel Geri-neldo Márquez been determined by the gall of her bitterness, as everyone had thought, but that both actions had been a mortal struggle between a measureless love and an invincible cowardice, and that the irrational fear that Amaranta had always had of her own tormented heart had triumphed in the end. It was during that time that úrsula, began to speak Rebeca's name, bringing back the memory of her with an old love that was exalted by tardy repentance and a sudden admiration, coming to understand that only she, Rebeca, the one who had never fed of her milk but only of the earth of the land and the whiteness of the walls, the one who did not carry the blood of her veins in hers but the unknown blood of the strangers whose bones were still clocing in their grave. Rebeca, the one with an impatient heart, the one with a fierce womb, was the only one who bad the unbridled courage that úrsula had wanted for her line.

      乌苏娜完全相信自己是对的。那一天,她开始知道一种谁也不注意的现象:随着一年四季的交替,太阳也悄悄地逐渐改变在天上的位置,坐在长廊上的人也不知不觉地逐渐移动和改变自己的位置。从那时起,乌苏娜只要想起当天是几号,就能准确地断定阿玛兰塔是坐在哪儿的。虽然乌苏娜的手一天一天地越来越颜抖了两条腿仿佛灌满了铅,可她那矮个的身躯从来不象现在这样接连出现在那么多的地方。乌苏娜几乎象从前肩负全家重担时那么勤劳。然而现在,在黯然无光的暮年的孤独中,她却能异常敏锐地洞悉家中哪怕最小的事情,第一次清楚地知道了一些真情实况,而这些真情实况是她以前一直忙碌时无法知道的。她准备让霍·阿卡蒂奥去进神学院时,已经细致地考察了马孔多建立以来布恩蒂亚家的整个生活,完全改变了自己关于子孙后代的看法。她相信,奥雷连诺上校失去了对家庭的爱,并不象她从前所想的是战争使他变得冷酷了,而是他从来没有爱过任何人:没有爱过他的妻子雷麦黛丝,没有爱过他一生中碰到的无数一夜情人,尤其没有爱过他的一群儿子。她觉得,他发动了那么多的战争,并不象大家认为的是出于理想;他放弃十拿九稳的胜利,也不象大家所想的是由于困乏;他取得胜利和遭到失败都是同一个原冈:名副其实的、罪恶的虚荣心。她最后认为,她的儿子(为了他,她连性命都不顾)是生来不爱别人的。有一天夜皮晚,当他还在她肚子里的时候,她就听见他啼哭,啼哭声是那么悲哀和清晰,睡在旁边的霍·阿·布恩蒂亚醒了过来,甚至高兴地认为这孩子将是一个天生的口技演员。另一些人预言,他将成为一个先知。乌苏娜本人却吓得发抖,因为她突然相信,这种腹中的啼哭预示孩干将会长着一条可怕的猪尾巴,于是祈求上帝让孩子死在她的肚子里。但她恍然明白,而且说了又说,孩子在母亲肚子里又哭又叫,并不表示他有口技和预见才能,只能确凿地表明他不爱别人。这样贬低儿子的形象却使她突然产生了对他的怜悯。然而,阿玛兰塔却跟他相反,她的铁石心肠曾使乌苏娜害怕,她隐秘的痛苦曾叫乌苏娜难过,现在乌苏娜倒觉得她是一个最温柔的女人了,而且怀着同情心敏锐地感到,阿玛兰塔让皮埃特罗·克列斯比遭到毫无道理的折磨,决不象大家认为的是由于她那报复的渴望,而格林列尔多·马克斯上校遭到慢性的摧折,也决不象大家认为的是由于她那极度的悲恨。实际上,二者都是无 限的爱情和不可克制的胆怯之间生死搏斗的结果,在阿玛兰塔痛苦的心中纠缠不休的荒谬的恐怖感,终于在这种斗争中占了上风。乌苏娜越来越频繁地提到雷贝卡的名字时,她总怀着往日的怜爱想起雷贝十的形象;由于过迟的悔悟和突然的钦佩,这种怜爱就更强烈了;她明白,雷贝卡虽不是她的奶养大的,而是靠泥上和墙上的石灰长大的;这姑娘血管里流着的不是布思蒂亚的血,而是陌生人的血,陌生人的骸骨甚至还在坟墓里发出咔嚓咔嚓的响声,可是只有雷贝卡——性情急躁的雷贝卡,热情奔放的雷贝卡,是唯一具有豪迈勇气的,而这种勇气正是乌苏娜希望她的子孙后代具备的品质。

      "Rebeca," she would say, feeling along the walls, "how unfair we've been to you!"


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