

时间:2020-03-19 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      经典名句-英文:We’re making a step—it’s just a baby-step, but it’s a step.



      Jem got his wish. I departed for the kitchen.

      While she was shelling peas, Calpurnia suddenly said, “What am I gonna do aboutyou all’s church this Sunday?”

      “Nothing, I reckon. Atticus left us collection.”

      Calpurnia’s eyes narrowed and I could tell what was going through her mind. “Cal,” Isaid, “you know we’ll behave. We haven’t done anything in church in years.”





      Calpurnia evidently remembered a rainy Sunday when we were both fatherless andteacherless. Left to its own devices, the class tied Eunice Ann Simpson to a chair andplaced her in the furnace room. We forgot her, trooped upstairs to church, and werelistening quietly to the sermon when a dreadful banging issued from the radiator pipes,persisting until someone investigated and brought forth Eunice Ann saying she didn’twant to play Shadrach any more—Jem Finch said she wouldn’t get burnt if she hadenough faith, but it was hot down there.


      “Besides, Cal, this isn’t the first time Atticus has left us,” I protested.

      “Yeah, but he makes certain your teacher’s gonna be there. I didn’t hear him say thistime—reckon he forgot it.” Calpurnia scratched her head. Suddenly she smiled. “How’dyou and Mister Jem like to come to church with me tomorrow?”


      “How ‘bout it?” grinned Calpurnia.





      If Calpurnia had ever bathed me roughly before, it was nothing compared to hersupervision of that Saturday night’s routine. She made me soap all over twice, drewfresh water in the tub for each rinse; she stuck my head in the basin and washed it withOctagon soap and castile. She had trusted Jem for years, but that night she invaded hisprivacy and provoked an outburst: “Can’t anybody take a bath in this house without thewhole family lookin‘?”


      Next morning she began earlier than usual, to “go over our clothes.” When Calpurniastayed overnight with us she slept on a folding cot in the kitchen; that morning it wascovered with our Sunday habiliments. She had put so much starch in my dress it cameup like a tent when I sat down. She made me wear a petticoat and she wrapped a pinksash tightly around my waist. She went over my patent-leather shoes with a cold biscuituntil she saw her face in them.


      “It’s like we were goin‘ to Mardi Gras,” said Jem. “What’s all this for, Cal?”

      “I don’t want anybody sayin‘ I don’t look after my children,” she muttered. “Mister Jem,you absolutely can’t wear that tie with that suit. It’s green.”

      “‘Smatter with that?”

      “Suit’s blue. Can’t you tell?”

      “Hee hee,” I howled, “Jem’s color blind.”

      His face flushed angrily, but Calpurnia said, “Now you all quit that. You’re gonna go toFirst Purchase with smiles on your faces.”







      First Purchase African M.E. Church was in the Quarters outside the southern townlimits, across the old sawmill tracks. It was an ancient paint-peeled frame building, theonly church in Maycomb with a steeple and bell, called First Purchase because it waspaid for from the first earnings of freed slaves. Negroes worshiped in it on Sundays andwhite men gambled in it on weekdays.


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