

时间:2020-01-13 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      经典名句-英文:The secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude。



      "We have still not had a death," he said. "A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dead under the ground."


      úrsula replied with a soft firmness:


      "If I have to die for the rest of you to stay here, I will die."


      José Arcadio Buendía had not thought that his wife's will was so firm. He tried to seduce her with the charm of his fantasy, with the promise of a prodigious world where all one had to do was sprinkle some magic liquid on the ground and the plants would bear fruit whenever a man wished, and where all manner of instruments against pain were sold at bargain prices. But úrsula was insensible to his clairvoyance.


      "Instead of going around thinking about your crazy inventions, you should be worrying about your sons," she replied. "Look at the state they're in, running wild just like d&111nkeys."


      José Arcadio Buendía took his wife's words literally. He looked out the window and saw the barefoot children in the sunny garden and he had the impression that only at that instant had they begun to exist, conceived by úrsula's spell, Something occurred inside of him then, something mysterious and definitive that uprooted him from his own time and carried him adrift through an unexplored region of his memory. While úrsula continued sweeping the house, which was safe now from being abandoned for the rest of her life, he stood there with an absorbed look, contemplating the children until his eyes became moist and he dried them with the back of his hand, exhaling a deep sigh of resignation.


      "All right," he said. "Tell them to come help me take the things out of the boxes."


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