

时间:2019-12-18 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:



      They have millions of followers on Instagram. They generate major profits for their owners. They are ... pet influencers.


      Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, Boo the Pomeranian and Doug the Pug are just some of the internet's staranimals, who do everything from support worthy causes to promote major brands.


      The death last Sunday of Lil Bub, a cat whose tongue was always hanging out due to geneticanomalies, inspired a wave of emotion that highlighted the internet's power to elevate justabout anything to cult status.


      "She was a ray of pure joy in my life and so many others," said one Instagram user.


      Lil Bub rose to fame after her adoption in 2011, when her owner, music producer MikeBridavsky, began posting photos and updates about her online. Her story garnered three millionfollowers on Facebook, 2.4 million on Instagram and more than 800,000 on Twitter.


      Bub's fame eventually caught the attention of scientists. In May 2015, researchers at theUniversity of Missouri in the United States sequenced her genome as part of a project todetermine what genetic variations had caused her adorable deformities.


      Bridavsky also started a national fund for special needs pets, the first of its kind, with Bubserving as its face. "Bub has made a huge difference in the world of animal welfare and in thelives of millions of people worldwide," Bridavsky wrote on Instagram, noting the fund has raisedUS$700,000 for "animals in need," with US$75,000 raised in 2018 alone.


      Over the course of her life, the cat, based in the US state of Indiana, lent her star power tomultiple causes supported by Greenpeace and the American Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to Animals (ASPCA).


      Since 2013, Lil Bub has also been the face of campaigns with People for the Ethical Treatmentof Animals (Peta) promoting sterilisation and pet adoption.


      Lil Bub "used her stardom to make the world a better place for animals", Peta said in a tributetweet. "Honour her legacy by remembering her message: always adopt, never shop."


      While Peta campaigns director Ashley Byrne welcomes pet influencers' charitable ventures, she is also adamant that the work must not come at the expense of the pets' welfare.


      Nobody should "treat animals as accessories or frivolous possessions", she said. "It'simportant for people with animals who have an audience on the internet to encourage theirfollowers to treat their pets like members of the family."


      That, says animal talent manager Loni Edwards, is exactly what makes pet influencers sosuccessful.


      Edwards' talent agency, The Dog Agency, manages pet influencers of all species, from Brunothe fat cat to CEO Edwards' own French bulldog.


      "As a society, we've evolved so that we now think of pets as our children," Edwards said in aNovember 2018 interview with Vox. "They're such an important part of our lives."


      As of 2019, American households owned more than 42 million cats and 63 million dogs. Themarket for pet products in the US earned US$72 billion in 2018, according to the American PetProducts Association (Appa).


      Additionally, since Instagram launched in 2010, the word "cat" has been used on the platform193 million times and the word "dog" 243 million times.


      "Pets raise endorphins and make people feel happy," Edwards said. "They are adorable to lookat and are easier to connect with than human influencers. Human-facing brands want to workwith pet influencers because they want to show that they align on the values of theirconsumer, and their consumer loves pets."


      As a result, pet influencers can be incredibly lucrative.


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