时间:2018-06-06 来源:文都网校 浏览:2019考研正处于备考的关键时刻,俗话说寸金难买寸光阴,大家一定要抓紧时间复习备考,为了帮助大家更好的复习专业课知识点,今天小编为大家分享翻译硕士考研相关的内容,供大家参考哦~
参考译文:We will stay true to the vision of people-centered development,start by considering China' s own situation,and do everything within our capacity to resolve each and every one of the issues that most affect and worry our people, promote social fairness and justice and well-rounded human development and see that the people's lives,along with our country's development,keep getting better year after year.
以人民为中心 |
people-centered |
从我国基本国情出发 |
start by considering China' s own situation |
促进社会公平正义 |
promote social fairness and justice |
Talking big and setting ambitious goals but taking little action to achieve them will not be tolerated; nor will sitting around in a government post and getting nothing done.
6月主推课程 |
2019考研全程无忧班 | |
2019考研高端辅导英才成功卡 | |
2019考研专硕199管综VIP特训班 | |
2019考研VIP特训班【政治 英语二】 | |
2019考研专硕会计硕士全科VIP特训班 |
- 2019考研 MTI考研 政府工作报告金
- 责任编辑:qyj