时间:2018-05-14 来源:文都网校 浏览:2019考研正处于紧张的备考中,同学们趁着现在天气还不是太热,抓紧复习哦,今天文都网校考研频道小编为大家分享关于翻译硕士考研的专业性知识,希望能帮助到你~
1.授信贷款 credit extension loan
2.试管婴儿 test-tube baby
3.售后服务 after-sale services
4.瘦肉精(盐酸克伦特罗) clenobuterol hydrochloride
5.枢纽工程 multi-purpose project or pivotal project
6.适龄儿童入学率 enrolment rate for children of school age
7.数据通信 data communication
8.适者生存 survival of the fittest
9.刷卡,划卡 to punch the card; to stamp the card
10.收购兼并 merger and acquisition
11.涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton
12.收视率 audience ratings; television viewing
13.双向选择 two-way selection, referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market
14.首创精神 pioneering spirit
15.双学位 double degree
16.首航 maiden voyage (of an aircraft or ship)
17.双职工 man and wife both at work; working couple
18.寿司 sushi, a Japanese dish of rolls of cold rice flavoured and garnished
19.双重国籍 dual nationality
20.受灾群众 people afflicted by a natural disaster
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- 2019考研 翻译硕
- 责任编辑:qyj