时间:2017-11-14 来源:文都网校 浏览:为帮助备考翻译硕士考研的同学们更好地复习,文都网校考研频道小编整理了“词组、缩写词翻译汇总”的相关内容,希望对2018考研的考生们有所帮助,一起来看看吧。
道德经 Tao TeChing
科教兴国 develop/rejuvenate the nation through science and education
外向型经济 export-oriented economy, outward-looking economy
载人航天 manned space flight
行政问责 administrative accountability
公务接待费 official hospitality
法人代表 legal representative
蜗居 dwelling narrowness, dwelling in a narrow space
富二代 rich second generation, affluent second generation
工业三废 three industrial wastes
潜规则 unspoken rules, tacit rules
发动机排量 engine capacity
公民健康档案 citizen health file, citizen health archives
全球化 globalization
增值税 value-added tax
住房信贷政策 housing credit policy
2018/2019考研特训班系列 |
- 2018考研 翻译硕士考研知识点 词组、
- 责任编辑:lq