时间:2017-07-03 来源:文都网校 浏览:翻译硕士考研考查的范围比较广泛,所以2018考研的同学需要平时多多积累,下面,文都网校考研频道的小编整理了翻译硕士考研相关流行新词的翻译,供各位考生参考,祝大家金榜题名,马到成功!
Travel itch “旅游痒”
Travel itch is the feeling a traveller gets when they’ve sat still for too long, when they know there’s so much more to be seen and done, it's the desire to explore. Their feet are getting antsy and ready to move on, to pack their backpacks and explore more of this beautiful world.
This term is probably a derivation from seven-year itch, which suggests that happiness in a relationship declines after around year seven of a marriage and people start to get sick of one another. The phrase has now expanded to indicate cycles of dissatisfaction not only in interpersonal relationships but in any situation such as working a full-time job or buying a house, where a decrease in happiness and satisfaction is often seen over long periods of time.
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