

时间:2017-05-12 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      fix vt安排; 决定, 确定I will fix the same room for you.我会给你安排同样的房间。

      n.困境, 窘境He got himself into a bad fix.他使自己陷入困境。

      定位于We got a fix on the missile launching site. 我们确定了导弹发射场的位置。

      受操纵的事The election was a fix!这次选举是受人操纵的!

      flag vi无力地下垂;萎垂 (力气,兴趣等)衰退,低落

      The daffodils were beginning to flag. 黄水仙花开始萎垂。

      Halfway through the race he began to flag. 赛跑到一半他开始有点跑不动了。

      flare vi突然发怒(或激动)[(+at)]He flared at his wife. 他突然对妻子发起火来。

      (使)(船舷)外倾The side of a ship flares from the keel to the deck.船舷从龙骨向甲板外倾。

      n炫耀;招摇Her flared her scarf to catch my eye.她炫示她的围巾以引我注目。

      flash vt (火速地)发出(电报,电讯等);使迅速传遍[O]

      The news was flashed around the world. 这一消息迅速传遍世界各地。

      闪出;亮出;夸示[O]She liked flashing her diamond necklace. 她喜欢炫耀自己的钻石项链。


      The latest flash from the capital says that the fighting has been escalated. 来自首都的最新电讯说战斗已经升级。

      a突如其来的,迅猛而短暂的;紧急的[B]The area was hit by a flash storm. 这一地区受到突如其来的暴风雨的侵袭。

      flat adj单调的,无聊的[F]After the excitement was over, she felt flat. 令人兴奋的事过后,她感到平淡无味。

      (拒绝等)断然的[Z][B]He gave me a flat refusal. 他断然拒绝了我。

      flatter自以为He flattered himself that he could do without my help. 他自以为没我帮忙也行。

      flee vi消失, 消散Color fled from her cheeks.红晕从她的双颊上消失了。

      破灭 All hope had fled.所有希望都破灭了。万念俱灰。

      fleet a快捷的迅速的.As fleet as a deer 快捷如鹿

      flesh n肉体His life was devoted to the pleasure of the flesh.他一生贪图肉体上的舒适享受。

      vt flesh sth out 增补They fleshed out the president's plan with statistics and procedural details.


      fling n.尽情欢乐的一阵, 放纵

      Let's have a fling and eat at that expensive restaurant for a change.

      咱们痛快一下, 到那间高级餐馆吃一顿换换口味。

      flood n 思潮;大量, 大批

      The flood of ideas now rising now falling 思潮起伏

      There followed a great flood of indignation in the newspapers.随后, 报纸大批地刊载了表示义愤的文章。

      floor vt击败, 打败I was floored by his argument and had to admit defeat.我被他驳倒了, 只得承认失败。

      n(在国会和议会中)发言权The representative shouted for the floor.那位代表嚷着要发言。

      进行活动的场地the dance floor舞池

      (物价、工资等的)最低额;底价[C] The government has fixed a wage floor. 政府已规定了工资的底限。

      flourish vt.挥动He flourished his stick at the boy.他朝那个男孩挥舞棍棒。

      炫耀,夸耀The scholar never flourished his knowledge. 那位学者从不炫耀知识。

      走红In an institutional environment that demanded lying, more malign lies could flourish



      "Curlicue, also curly cue: a fancy twist or curl, such as a flourish made with a pen."


      A flourish of trumpets marked the Queen’s arrival.一阵长号齐鸣宣告了女王驾临。

      While Mr. Giovanelli bade him farewell with a too emphatic flourish of the hat

      Mr. Giovanelli则是故意把帽子用力一挥,向他道别。

      flow n流畅;连贯;大量[S][(+of)] 涨潮;泛滥[C][the S][(+of)] vt 富有;任意取用;充分提供

      The lines in this painting flow. 这幅画的线条很流畅。

      The tide is on the flow. 正在涨潮。

      When I have achieved $2,000 a month cash flow from my assets, then I will be wealthy."


      .The party became lively when the drink began to flow.饮料开始大量供应,聚会的气氛就活跃起来了。

      fluid adj易变的, 不固定的The weather is fluid in summer.夏天天气多变。

      flush adj 紧接的,紧贴的These cupboards are flush with the wall. 这些食橱与墙壁齐平。

      ad. 齐平地The door fits flush into its frame. 这门与门框的大小正好合适。

      n旺盛, 生气勃勃[U]He was killed in an accident in the first flush of manhood.他正当盛年时在一次事故丧生。

      foil vt.挫败; 使受挫折We foiled his attempt to escape.我们挫败了他逃跑的企图。

      fog vt. & vi.模糊不清The steam fogged my glasses.水气使我的眼镜模糊不清。

      使困惑;使模糊I am completely fogged by the issue. 我完全被这问题弄糊涂了。

      follow vt.注视, 密切注意;从事, 经营;因...而产生;是....的结果vi结果产生

      We shall follow closely the development of the situation.我们将密切注意形势的发展。

      He follows the trade of baker.他想当面包师。

      Disease often follows malnutrition. 疾病常常是营养不良的结果。

      He is wrong, but it does not follow that you are right. 他错了,但并不能由此推你是对的。

      following n.一批追随者(或拥护者、部下等)[S] 下列事物(或人员)[the S]

      The Prime Minister has a large following. 首相有一大批支持者。

      Will the following please come to the front -- John, Lisa, and David.请下列人员到前面来 -- 约翰、丽莎、戴维。


      There will be a banquet following the conference. 会议过后将有一个宴会。

      "The inventor of the spiked golf shoe, Ernie, has died following a Brief illness. He was 82."


      fond adj溺爱的, 痴情; 盲目轻信的

      A fond mother may spoil her child.一个溺爱孩子的母亲会把孩子宠坏。

      She's waiting patiently in the fond belief he'll come back to her.她在耐心等待, 痴情地相信他会回到她身边。

      foolish a可笑的傻的cut [make] a foolish figure闹笑话

      尴尬的I felt very foolish having to stand up and give a speech.我对站起来说话感到很窘迫。

      fore n军事力量;军队[P1]、

      We must unite forces to overcome our common enemy 我们应该联合各种力量以打败我们共同的敌人。

      foreign adj不属于本身的; 无关的, 不相干的; 外来的; 异质的foreigner n局外人外地人

      Sitting still is foreign to a boy's nature.老老实实地坐着不是男孩的本性。

      Metal, oil and soap contains foreign matter, respectively.金属、油和肥皂中分别含有杂质。

      【真题例句】When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as[D] foreign. [A] novel[B] remote[C] distant(D)[D] foreign【2001年词汇21题】


      foremost adj.最著名的, 最重要的; 最好的; 主要的

      He is considered the foremost British artist of this century.他被认为是本世纪英国第一流的艺术家。

      forge vi. 1.稳步前进;突然加速前进[(+ahead)]

      The ship forged ahead through the stormy sea. 船在风急浪高的海面上稳稳行进。

      One of the runners forged into the lead as they came round the last bend.有一个选手在最后一圈突然加速,领先其他人。

      forgive vt.免除Will you forgive me the debt?你免除我的债务行吗?

      formal adj拘泥形式的,拘谨的,刻板的; 整齐的,布置井然的;有条理的

      You needn't be so formal with me. 你对我不必如此拘束。

      formal gardens 形式整齐的花园

      formation n形成物Clouds are formations of condensed water vapor.云是水汽凝结的形成物

      编队, 排列The aircraft are flying in formation.飞机编队飞行。

      formula n配方;条件;等级;方法;准则【美】配制成的婴儿奶粉或奶水[U]

      Someone has stolen the secret formula for the liquid that fires our new spaceship.


      A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out. 已拟定一个解决边界纠纷的方案。

      If you are not planning on breastfeeding, you have to decide on a formula.


      forthcoming adj愿意帮助的; 和蔼可亲的,可亲的He was very forthcoming.他非常和蔼可亲。

      现成的, 唾手可得的The funds are not forthcoming.资金尚未就绪。

      fortune n 转折点The party’s fortune were at their lowest level after the election defect.


      forward vt.发送; 转寄Did you forward his telegram?你转送了他的电报了吗?

      促进The civic leaders helped to forward the project.市政府领导协助促进工程的进展。

      adj恳切的 He is always forward to help others.他一贯热心帮助别人。

      fossil a老顽固, 食古不化的人The man is a fossil.那人是个老顽固。

      foundation n基金会地基基本条件[C] [pl]

      The research of scientists is often supported by money from foundations.


      The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods


      "The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much-- Catherall "


      frame vt陷害制定;设计;构想出.表达;说出;发出给...装框子

      The prisoner claimed that he had been framed by his enemies.犯人称他是被仇人陷害的。

      The military plan will be framed tomorrow. 军事计划将于明天制定。

      His lips could hardly frame the words. 他几乎说不出话来。

      Will you frame this photo? 你要给这张照片镶上镜框吗?

      n心情,精神状态[S]He was in a bad frame of mind this morning. 今天上午他心情恶劣。

      vi.有成功希望Our plans are framing well.我们的计划在顺利地进展。

      framework n制度Civil unrest which shook the framework of the old system动摇旧制度的内乱.

      frank vt免费邮寄;在...上盖"邮资已付"之戳franked envelopes盖有"邮资已付"字样的信封

      free adj摆脱…的; 不受…影响的The lake is free of pollution. 这湖没有污染的。

      freeze vt冻结(物价,工资,资产等);冻结(存款) 使呆住;使战栗

      His salary was frozen at 200 dollars per week. 他的薪水冻结在每周二百美元的水平上。

      She froze her noisy children with a single look. 她一瞪眼,她吵闹的孩子们马上不敢动。

      fresh adj新的菜鸟的A fresh man does nothing to the problem.一个新手对此问题的解决无用。

      无礼的He started getting fresh with the new secretary. 他开始对新来的秘书放肆起来。

      精神饱满的The old man looks as fresh as a young man.这老人像年轻人一样有生气。

      油漆未干的Fresh paint!

      friction n冲突, 不和

      When Joan returned to work, the friction between them increased.琼回来工作后, 他们之间的摩擦加剧了。

      fringe n 外围,次要的事物;初步知识

      The woodcutter had a little house on the fringes of the forest.那位伐木工人在森林的外缘有一间小屋。

      I ’m still limited in the fringes of philosophy.我仅仅局限与了解哲学的初步知识。

      a 附加的额外的fringe benefit 额外的福利

      frontier n尚待开发的领域, 尖端They are highly interested in the frontiers of science.他们对科学的新领域有浓厚的兴趣。

      frost n磨砂玻璃

      fuel vt提供燃料;火上浇油(联想意义)

      【真题例句】On anther level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide(医生协助自杀) debated has been fueled in part by the despair of parents for whom the modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying .【2002年阅读text4】


      n刺激因素[U][(+for/of)]His indifference was a fuel to her hatred他的冷漠更刺激了她对他的憎恨。

      function n职务职责;函数; 与另一事物有密切关系的事物 社交集会

      They have the functions and powers in their hands.他们手里掌握着职权。

      【真题例句】His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. 【2006年翻译】


      A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested.


      A differentiated part of an organism, such as an eye, a wing, or a leaf, that performs a specific function.


      I attended social functions while working abroad.我在国外工作中出席许多社交会。

      vi. (机器等)工作,运 起作用[(+as)] The refrigerator is not functioning well. 冰箱有点问题。

      The sofa functions as a bed at night. 这沙发在夜里可以当床。

      fur vt/n(使)生苔, (使)生垢, (使)生水锈

      fuse n导火线; 引信The bomb had a long fuse.这种炸弹有很长的导火线。

      gain vi增加Fertilizer use gained in 1995.1995年化肥的使用增加了。

      增进(钟、表)走快This clock neither gains nor loses.这钟不快不慢。

      game n猎物【真题例句】The large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction.


      garment n 覆盖物,罩,套;掩饰

      In spring nature wears a new garment阳光明媚,大自然披上了新装。

      She disguised her true sex under a man's garment. 她身穿男装来掩饰自己真实性别。

      gas vi.空谈, 吹牛Well, I can't sit here gassing all day.好了, 我不能整天坐在这里闲聊

      n空谈, 吹牛His long speech was nothing but gas and hot hair.他的长篇大论只是吹牛空话。

      有趣的事That's sure to be a real gas.那实在是好玩的事。

      gasp vi很想要(因惊讶等)倒抽一口气[(+at/with/in)] 切望,渴望[(+for/after)]

      “Did you need a drink?”“Yes, I'm gasping!”“你要喝点什么吗?”“我巴不得能喝点!”

      She gasped at the ghastly sight. 那恐怖的景象令她倒抽一口气。

      The seamen were gasping for the sight of land. 海员渴望看到陆地。

      gather .vt 渐增The sled gathered speed as it moved down the hill. 雪橇向山下滑时速度渐增。

      鼓足(劲头)振作(精神)She sat trying to gather her thought.她坐在那儿振作精神。

      vi推断; 了解I gathered that he was the real leader.我推想他是真正的领导人。

      gay adj轻率的, 不假思索的; 放荡的She leads a gay and wild life.她过着放荡不羁的生活。

      同性恋的I don't know he was a gay person.我不知道他是同性恋者。

      .鲜艳的衣着艳丽的The package was tied with gay ribbons.包裹用鲜艳的丝带扎好。

      genius n (民族,时代,地方等的)特质;精神[the S]the genius of the English language, of the age英语的特征时代的特征

      gentle adj轻的, 柔和的; 和缓的高尚的; 出身名门的

      We ran down the hill along the gentle slope.我们顺着和缓的斜坡跑下山。

      He was a person of gentle blood.他出身名门。

      gently adv 慢慢地The road sloped gently to the sea.此路逐渐地向海边倾斜下去。

      germ n (某事的)根源, 发端I have the germ of an idea.我有一个初步的想法。the germ of life生命的起源

      ghost n一点点,一丝I haven't a ghost of a chance of getting the job. 我毫无可能得到这份工作。

      vt【口】替...捉刀It was he who ghosted the general's memoirs. 将军的回忆录是他代笔的。

      vi. .【口】替人代笔He is ghosting for a movie star. 他在替一位电影明星捉刀。

      giant n伟人, 卓越人物Shakespeare is a giant among writers.莎士比亚是作家中的巨擘。

      gift n【英】【口】极便宜的东西;极容易做的事[S]

      At five dollars, it is a gift! 只卖五美元,那真是便宜货。

      It was a gift of a exam. question.那道考题太容易了

      given prep.(表示原因)考虑到;(表示假设)倘若; 假定

      Given the present conditions, I think she's done rather well.考虑到目前的条件, 我认为她已做得相当出色。

      Given the chance, I'll do it again.如果有机会, 我会再干一次。

      global adj整体的, 总括的, 全面的

      The report takes a global view of the company's problems.这份报告对公司的问题作了综合性的论述。

      gloomy adj令人沮丧的, 令人失望的

      When I saw their gloomy faces, I knew something was wrong.当我看到他们沮丧的脸时, 我知道出事了。

      glorious adj可怕的a glorious mess[muddle, row]乱七八糟

      goal n[C] 足球等运动的)球门;守门员;得分数

      The ball missed the goal by a few inches. 球差几英寸没进门。

      That's the twentieth goal he's kicked this season.这是他本赛季踢进的第二十个球。

      His shot beat the goalkeeper neck and crop. 守门员根本挡不住他射门。

      gossip n(报刊上有关个人隐私等的)社会新闻,小道传闻[U]the gossip column(报纸上的)随笔专栏

      government n治理,统治,支配Government of a large city is very difficult.管理一大城市很难的。

      graceful adj周到的得体的

      His refusal was worded in such a graceful way that we could not be offended.

      他婉言谢绝, 无损于我们的颜面。

      grain . n(常用于否定句)一点儿[C][(+of)]There isn't a grain of truth in his statement. 他的声明里没有一点是真实的。

      (木、石、织物等的)纹理[the S] The mahogany table has a fine grain. 那红木桌纹理精美。

      气质,本质[U]They are similar in grain. 他们气质相似。

      grant n授予物;奖学金,助学金,补助金

      Students in this country receive a grant from the government. 这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。

      vt.准许; 答应给予He refused to grant them long-term credits.他拒绝给他们长期信贷。

      grateful adj受欢迎的, 讨喜欢的a grateful rain一场喜雨a grateful shade可供人乘凉的树荫

      graze vt. .擦过,掠过The plane grazed the top of the tree. 飞机掠过树梢。

      擦伤,抓破He grazed his knee when he fell. 他摔倒时擦伤了膝盖。

      green adj未熟的, 生的Green apples are sour.未熟的苹果是酸的。

      无经验的;容易上当的 He is a green hand. 他是个新手。

      妒忌的[F][(+with)]I am green with envy. 我羡慕极了。

      环保的I own only two of those new green cleaning products. 我只有两种新环保清洁剂。

      n 蔬菜;植物[P][K]I had a dish of greens. 我吃了一盘蔬菜。

      gross vt.获得(…的)总收入Her last film grossed a million pounds.她拍最后一部影片共赚了100万英镑。

      adj粗俗的, 粗野的Gross feeder likes gross food.滥食者爱吃粗食。

      n. 总额,总量[the S]The gross for the year was $60,000. 年总收入为六万美元

      growth n 经济活力的增长;利润的增大【医】瘤;赘生物[C]

      he government has decided to go for growth.政府已经采取刺激生产的政策。

      gulf n分歧, 鸿沟The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。

      gut n【口】勇气,胆量,毅力[P]a man with plenty of guts 相当有魄力的人

      ham n【俚】蹩脚演员[C] 【口】火腿族;业余无线电爱好者[C]

      That guy is a real ham, but the girls love him.那家伙真会装腔作势,但是女孩子都喜欢他。

      vt. 【俚】把(角色)演得过火[(+up)]He hammed up his part in the play. 他把在剧中担任的角色演过了火。

      hammer vi重申, 一再强调(away) 努力不懈于[(+away/at)]

      The teacher hammered away at the multiplication tables.老师一再朗读乘法表。

      Why do you hammer at the subject day after day? 你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目?

      vt辩论时提出(有力的论点等)(常与home连用) 【口】使惨败,将(对手)彻底击败

      He hammered home the points he wanted to convey.他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。

      We hammered the visiting team. 我们击败了客队。

      hamper n. [C]有盖(柳条)大篮;带盖食品篮;礼包a picnic hamper 有盖野餐食品篮

      【美】洗衣篮a laundry hamper for dirty clothes 盛放脏衣服的洗衣篮

      hand n人手,雇员(指工人、船员等)We are short of hands.我们缺少人手。

      技能,手艺The picture showed the hand of a master. 这幅画显示了高超的技艺。

      handle vt.处理, 应付, 对待n[口]称号, 头衔

      He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters.他不让秘书处理机密文件。

      handsome adj数量多的;堂皇的;美观的;动听的

      He gave a handsome sum of money to charity.他向慈善团体捐了一笔相当可观的钱款。

      What a handsome room! 多漂亮的房间!

      He said very handsome things about you.他说了一些赞颂你的话。

      handy adj手边的; 附近的Our flat is very handy for the school.我们的住所离学校很近很方便的。

      harbour vt怀着, 怀有Don't harbour unkind thoughts.不要心怀不轨。

      庇护, 藏匿It's an offence to harbour the criminals.窝藏罪犯是犯罪行为。

      harde n (使)变得冷酷无情The positions of the two sides hardened.双方的立场变得更强硬了。

      harness vt治理, 利用(自然力)Scientists have known how to harness the limitless power of the sun.科学家们已知道如何利用无穷尽的太阳能。

      harvest n结果;后果;成果It is not easy to reap the harvest of my hard work.获得自己辛勤工作的成果是不容易的。

      hatch vt.秘密策划They hatched a plot to murder the king.他们谋划杀害国王。

      n.开口, 活板门; 舱口; Both men quickly disappeared down the hatch. 两个人很快从舱口下去不见了。

      窗口buttery hatch (食堂的)售货窗口

      hawk vt.沿街叫卖He is hawking his goods everywhere.他在到处兜售他的货物。

      headache n令人头痛的事Trying to make the children eat is a big headache.要小孩子们吃饭是件头痛的事。

      headline n头版头条新闻;头版重要新闻[P1] (新闻广播的)内容提要[P1]

      The new road plan is in the headlines again. 新公路计划又一次成了头版重要新闻。

      【真题例句】Consumers say they’re not inConsumers say they’re not in despair because, despite the

      dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good. 【2006年阅读text3】


      The news headlines are broadcast on the half hour.新闻提要每到半小时正时作次广播。

      vt在标题中提到;大力宣传The newspapers headlined the story of the astronauts' trip to the moon.


      heal vt.调停,消除The long talk healed many of our differences.那次长谈消除了我们许多分歧。

      hearing n听证会, 申辩或发言的机会The judge gave both sides a hearing.法官听取双方的申诉。

      heart n勇气, 精神I didn't have the heart to tell him the news.我没有勇气把这消息告诉他。

      中心, 要点They had reached the heart of the forest.他们到了森林的中心地带。

      heave n (费力地)发出(叹息等)vi停航

      He heaved a sigh of relief when he found his wallet. 他找到钱包时松了一口气。

      His stomach heaved at sight of the mess.他一见到食物就呕吐。

      The frigate fired a warning shot across the privateer's bows to make her heave to.


      hearty adj健壮的; 精神饱满的The children are all lively and hearty.孩子们都很活泼健康。

      (饭菜)丰盛的He ate a hearty breakfast.他享用了一顿丰盛的早餐。

      heavy adj大的;大量的,多的There was heavy rain yesterday. 昨天下了场大雨。

      【真题例句】But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat. 【2003年阅读text3】



      (食物等)难消化的The food is too heavy on stomach. 这食物对胃来说太难消化了。

      厚的粗的 He has a heavy coat.他穿着一件厚外套。

      hedge vi两方下注以避免(赌博, 冒险等的)损失

      hedge a person in [round] with rules and regulations使人受某种规律之限制

      The director hedged the question with dexterity.经理巧妙对此问题避开不做正面回答。

      height n顶点, 极度The tide was at its height.潮水涨到顶点了。

      herd n人群, 群众He preferred to stick with the common herd.他愿意紧随群众。

      hero n男主角, 男主人公

      【真题例句】Its hero avoids being civilized -- going to school and learning to read -- so he can preserve

      his innate goodness. 【2003年阅读text3】


      hide n.兽皮, 皮革 My bag is made of hide.我的包是用皮革做的。

      hip a赶时髦的;嬉皮的

      hit n成功而风行一时的事物;vt达到,到达袭击,使遭受,上路

      The new play is the hit of the season. 这出新戏是本季最叫座的。

      The Japanese yen hit an all-time high last week on the money markets.日元上周在货币市场上达到历史最高点。

      The area was hit by the floods. 这一地区遭到洪水袭击。

      【真题例句】Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases.


      The new car can hit 80 mph.新车能每小时时速可达80英里。

      hold vi有效,适用My decision still holds. 我的决定仍然有效。

      vt认为相信I hold that this is a right decision. 我相信这是个正确的决定。

      吸引The teacher ’s speech held our attention.这位老师的演讲让我们听得入神。

      home adv尽可能深地; 击中要害He struck the nail home.他把钉子完全钉进去了。

      Our verbal attacks on the man rarely hit home.我们对那人的抨击很少击中要害。

      horizon n[常pl] 眼界见识Science gives us a new horizon.科学使我们大开新的眼界。

      (on the ~)邻近的,即将发生的There’s trouble on the horizon.很快会出事。

      horizontal n.单杠;水[地]平线; 水平面[物]; 水平方向out of the horizontal不成水平的

      host vt.主办(宴会等) 作主人招待The conference was hosted by that committee.该委员会充当这个会议的东道主。

      hot adj(消息等)最新的;热门的;急躁的;灵通的

      Is there any hot news from the front? 有前线来的最新消息吗?

      He's got a hot temper. 他脾气急躁。

      He is hot on 4 foreign language。他精通4国外语。


      Things are beginning to hot up in the Middle East again. 中东的局势又开始紧张起来。

      huddle n.杂乱的一堆人[东西]They like living in a huddle.他们喜欢杂居在一起。

      vi【口】(私下)开会;(暗中)碰头They huddled to discuss the matter. 他们私下碰头讨论这件事。

      human adj有人性的, 通人情的Kehr is a very human person.凯尔是一个极富人情味的人。

      humour n心境, 情绪, 脾气I'll do it when the humour takes me.我心情好时就去做。

      vt.迎合;迁就It's not always wise to humor a small child. 迁就小孩子不总是明智的。

      identify vt.使等同认为一致(with)Never identify opinions with facts.永远不要把意见混同于事实。

      identify oneself with参与;和...打成一片

      He refused to identify himself with the new political party. 他拒绝参与那个*党。

      She identified herself with foreign teachers. 她与外国教师打成一片。

      idiom n(在语言等方面所表现的)风格, 特色I like the idiom of modern popular music.我喜欢现代流行音乐的风格。

      ill adj/adv 坏的(地)恶意的(地)Ill news runs apace. 恶事传千里。

      He often speaks ill of me behind my back.他常在背后说我的坏话。

      She was ill treated. 她遭受虐待。

      illustrate vt 是...的例证This behaviour illustrates your selfishness.这种行为是你自私的例证。

      imagine vt认为...有可能I can’t imagine that anyone cares what I do.我并不在意有谁在意我做什么。

      immediately adv紧接地 June comes immediately after May. 五月一过紧接地就是六月

      【真题例句】 But a decision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult.【1996年翻译】但是在没有直接效用的项目中做抉择就难多了。

      immune adj免除…的, 豁免的

      Being the only son in the family, the young man was immune from military service.

      由于是独子, 那个年轻人被免于服兵役。

      【真题例句】Some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power. 【2006年阅读text1】


      imperial adj英制的(度量衡) The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.英制的加仑与美制的容量不同。

      专横的;威严的;宏大的Uncle is well known for his imperial generosity. 叔父的宽宏大量是出了名的。

      implication n.卷入, 牵连We heard of his implication in a conspiracy.我们听说他被牵连在叛乱案中。

      implicit adj无疑问的, 绝对的A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.士兵必须绝对服从他的长官。

      import n要旨,要义;重要性=importance This is a question of great import. 这是个十分重要的问题。

      【真题例句】 The full import may take a while to sink in.【1997年阅读Text1】


      important adj 有权的,有地位的

      Many important businessmen began as factory workers.许多显赫的企业家都是从工厂的工人做起的。

      impose vi.利用, 占便宜; 欺骗He imposed himself as their leader.他自封为他们的领袖。

      impossible adj难以忍受的, 很难对付的She is an impossible woman to work with.跟她一起工作真令人无法忍受。

      impression n滑稽模仿He did a brilliant impression of the President.他对总统作了逼真的滑稽模仿。

      重印Seven impressions of the novel have been sold out.这本小说重印了七次都卖光了。

      inch n. [C]少许,一点儿He escaped death by an inch. 他险些儿送了命。

      vt. 使缓慢地移动[O]He inched the table to the wall. 他一点一点将桌子挪到墙边。

      vi. 缓慢地移动[Q]He watched the worm inch along. 他看着蠕虫慢慢往前爬。

      incidence n【物】入射(角) the angle of incidence

      incident n 军事行动a. 易发生的;伴随而来的[F][(+to)]

      The serious border incident along increased our fears of the war. 边境上的紧张军事行动加重了我们对战争的忧虑。

      He is fully aware of the risks incident to the life of a racing driver. 他完全了解赛车生涯所伴随而来

      independent adj单独的;分开的[(+of)];无党派的[Z];无私的;无偏见的

      an independent food store 单独经营的食品店

      One third of votes went to the independent candidate.这无党派候选人得1/3的选票

      We demand an independent inquiry into the government’s handing of the affair.


      indicate vt表示需要【医】显示必须作...的治疗;发出信号

      Why don’t you indicate.你为什么不发转弯的信号!

      Don't forget to indicate before turning. 拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。

      induce vt 催产We ’ll have to induce her我们只好给她用药物催产。

      industry n勤劳, 勤奋;工业企业的资方人员或组织[U]

      The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹。

      The people employed in the movie industry. 电影界从事于电影业的人们

      inevitable adj〈非正〉总会发生的, 照例必有的, 惯常的

      He greeted us with his inevitable smile. 他照例笑着招呼我们。

      inform vi(against/on)告密告发He informed against the drug pusher. 他告发了那个毒品贩。

      vt贯穿These poems are informed with sincerity. 真挚的感情贯穿这些诗篇。

      infrastructure n 一个国家的固定的资产(如公路、铁路、电站、供水系统)的储备

      ingredient n 要素成分the ingredients of a man's character形成一个人的人格的各种因素

      initial n (姓名或组织名称等的)首字母[P1]He carved his initials on the wall. 他将他名字的首字母刻在这墙上。

















