

时间:2018-08-13 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      1、botch(vt) spoil sth by poor or clumsy work;repair sth badly (笨手笨脚的)弄坏某事物, 把某事物修理的很糟 ~ sth up

      The mechanic tried to repair my car, but he really botched it up。那个技工想把我的 汽车修好,可是他一修更糟了。

      ◎ botcher(n)笨手笨脚的人

      ★ ruin(vt)cause the destruction of sb/sth 毁坏,毁灭某人/某事物

      He ruined his prospects by carelessness。他因疏忽大意而断送了前途

      (n、U)severe damage or destruction 毁坏、毁灭,灭亡

      The news meant the ruin of all our hopes。这消息使我们的一切希望都破灭了。



      The capital was fallen into ruin。城堡已经破败不堪。

      (习语)in ruins 严重受损、破败不堪

      A earthquake left the whole town in ruins 那次地震过后,全城到处都是残垣断壁。

      ★ spoil(vt,pt pp spoilt)make sth useless,valueless or unsatisfactory;ruin 毁掉、损坏、 破坏、糟蹋某事物

      The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village。新修的路彻底毁 掉了那个村庄的特色。

      (vt)harm the character of (esp a child)by lack of descipline or too mach

      generosity,attention,praise,etc 娇惯、宠坏、溺爱(尤指儿童)

      That little girl is terribly spoilt。那个小女孩真惯的不象话


      Some kind of food soon spoil 有些食物容易变质

      (习语)be spoilt for choice 因供选择的事物太多而无从下手

      ◎ spoilage(n)(食物等的)变坏、变质、腐烂

      2、chafe(vi)become irritated or impatient because of sth(因某事物)恼怒或不耐烦 ~ at/under sth

      The passengers sat chafing at the long delay 乘客们因为长时间的耽误而坐的很不耐烦。

      (v)(cause sth to)become sore by rubbing (使某物)因摩擦而疼痛

      His shirt collar chafed his neck 他的衬衫领口把脖子磨腾了。


      ★ abrade(vt)wear away(skin,fabric,rock,etc)by rubbing;scrape off 磨损(表皮、 织物、岩石等);刮除

      ◎ abrasion(n)刮除、磨损、擦掉;擦伤处

      ◎ abrasive(adj)有研磨作用的,粗糙的;伤人感情的,粗鲁的

      ★ scrape(vt) make (a surface,etc)clean,level or smooth by drawing a sharp tool or sth rough across it 擦净、削平、磨光(某物) ~ sth down/out/off

      She is scraping the path clear of snow 她正在把路上的积雪铲掉。

      (vt)remove(mud,grease,paint,etc)in this way 除掉(泥、油渍、油漆等) ~

      sth from/off sth ~ sth away/off

      scrape the dust off 把锈刮去

      (vt)injure or damage sth by rubbing with sth rough,sharp 擦伤或刮坏某物 ~

      sth against/on/along sth

      I scraped the side of my car against a wall。我的汽车车身蹭墙被划坏了。

      (vt)remove(skin,paint,etc)accidentally in this way 擦伤、刮坏(皮肤,油漆等) ~ sth from/off sth ~ sth away/off

      I must have scraped some of the paint off when I was parking the car 我准是停放汽 车的时候刮掉了一些油漆。

      3、dissipate(v)(cause sth to)scatter or vanish (使某事物)消散、消失

      Her son’s letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety 她儿子的来信消除了她一切恐惧和焦虑。

      (vt)waste(time,money,etc)foolishly 浪费(时间、金钱等)

      ◎ dissipation(n,U)驱散、消散;浪费

      ★ scatter(v)(cause people or animals to)move,usu quickly,in different directions (使 人或动物)散开

      The police scattered the crowd。警察驱散了人群。

      (vt)throw sth in different directions;put here and there 撒(某物);散布

      We scattered plates of food around the room before the party。我们在聚会前把一盘盘食物摆放在屋 中各处。

      (vt) ~ sth with sth 将某物撒在某物表面上

      scatter the lawn with grass seed 把草籽撒在草坪上

      4、efface(vt)rub or wipe sth out;cause to fade 擦去,抹掉(某事物);使淡薄,使逐渐消 失

      Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories 只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。

      ★ erase(vt)rub or scrape sth out;remove all traces of sth 擦掉或刮掉某物,消除某事物的 痕迹 ~ sth from sth

      5、glint(vi)give out small,bright flashes of light 闪闪发光;指某人的眼睛闪现某种神色


      ★ flash(vi)give or send out a brief bright light 发出闪光

      6、onerous(adj)needing effort;burdensome 艰巨的,繁重的

      This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken 这是我承担过的最艰巨的任务。

      ★ arduous(adj)needing much effort or energy;laborious 艰巨的,费力的

      The work is arduous and the hours are long 工作吃力,时间又长。

      ★ laborious(adj)(of work,etc)needing much effort (指工作等)艰苦的,费力的;吃力 的,不流畅的,不自然的

      7、iterate(vt)say sth again and again;make(an accusation,a demand,etc)repeatedly 反 复说某事,一再提出(指责,要求等) ~ sth to sb

      ★ repeat(vt)say or write sth again once or more than once;reiterate 重复说或写,反复重申


      Such bargain offers can’t be repeated 这么便宜的价钱不会再有了。

      8、propensity(n)inclination or tendency 倾向、习性 ~ for/to/towards sth ~ for doing/to do sth

      ★ tendency(n)way a person or thing tends to be or behave (人物或呈现的)倾向、趋势 ~

      to/towards sth/to do sth

      ★ inclination(n)feeling that makes sb want to behave in a particular way;disposition 倾向、 意向、意愿 ~ to/towards/for sth ~ to do sth

      9、singe(vt)blacken sth by burning;scorch 烧焦或烫焦(某物)

      The iron’s too hot,you’ll singe the dress 熨斗太热了,你会把衣服烫焦的。

      ★ scorch(vt)burn or discolour a surface by dry heat 将(物体表面)烧焦、烫糊或烫的变色

      I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it。我把衬衫烫糊了。


      She strutted past us,ignoring our greeting 她神气活现的从我们跟前走过,我们打招呼她都不理。

      ★ swagger(vi)(贬)趾高气扬的行走或行事

      Don’t swagger just because you got the job 别因为得到了这份工作就得意忘形。

      11、unravel(v)(cause sth woven,knotted or tangled to)separate into strands (使编织、 编结或纠结之物)解开,拆开;(比喻)使某物变清楚或获解决

      The mystery unravels slowly。那件神秘的事渐渐明朗了。

      ★ solve(vt)find an answer to a problem,etc;explain or make clear a mystery etc 解决、解答(难题);解释、揭示(秘密等)

      solve a crime 破案










    2019考研VIP特训班【政治 英语一】

    2019考研VIP特训班【政治 英语二】







