

时间:2018-05-28 来源:文都网校 浏览: 分享:


      What’s next for Uber?


      Travis Kalanick’s "spectacular flameout is one for the ages," said Adam Lashinsky at Fortune. The CEO and co-founder of Uber unexpectedly stepped down last month, after the ride-hailing giant’s biggest investors confronted him with a list of demands that included his immediate resignation. In just eight years, Kalanick built Uber into an industry-defining company worth nearly $70 billion, but his stubborn disregard for ordinary business practices ultimately became his undoing. Things first began to unravel in February, when a former Uber employee published a damning blog post describing a culture of rampant sexual harassment at the company. Since then, there has been a steady drumbeat of unsavory revelations, including that Uber designed software to dupe regulators; that it allegedly stole Google’s self-driving car technology; and that Kalanick himself could be a real jerk, as seen in a viral video of the CEO berating an Uber driver. Kalanick’s "wild ride" is now over, and it’s not clear where Uber goes from here.

      Travis Kalanick的“惊人的中断任职是空前绝后的”,Adam Lashinsky在 财富杂志(Fortune)上说。优步的首席执行官兼联合创始人上个月突然辞职,此前最大投资者对他提出了一系列要求,其中包括让他立即辞职。在短短的八年内,Kalanick将优步打造成一个价值近700亿美元的产业公司,但他对普通业务的严重忽视最终导致他的失败。二月,优步前员工发表一篇博客描述公司性骚扰的猖獗。自那时以来,优步的坏名声已经持续显露,其中包括设计软件欺骗监管机构;据说还涉嫌窃取谷歌的自动驾驶汽车技术;而Kalanick本人可能不是一个聪明人,在一个病毒视频被看到训斥一个司机。Kalanick的“风口浪尖”已经结束,现在还不清楚优步将何去何从。

      The company has a unique opportunity to rebuild its culture, but "it may be years before Uber 2.0 is realized," said Anna Wiener at The New Yorker. Some encouraging changes are in the works: An independent board member has been installed; a formal channel for employee complaints is being created; and maxims in the official corporate values statement that seemed to justify bad behavior, like "Always Be Hustlin’," are being replaced. But Kalanick will retain a seat on Uber’s board, and he continues to own a majority of the company’s voting shares, meaning he will be able to exert a huge amount of influence "on the company that was, arguably, built in his image."

      该公司有一个特殊机会来重建其文化,但“优步2.0实现可能需要好几年”,Anna Wie ner在The New Yorker上说。工作上将出现鼓舞人的变化:一个独立董事会成员已被任命;员工投诉正式渠道建立;官方的价值观声明似乎证明了不良行为如“一直在忙碌”正在被取代。但Kalanick将保留在Uber董事会的一席之位,他继续持有公司大部分有表决权的股份,这意味着他在公司将能够发挥巨大的影响力,可以说是能够建立起他的形象。

      "Enemies of Uber: This is your chance," said Shira Ovide at Bloomberg. The company "is distracted — to put it mildly." It was already facing a huge leadership vacuum before Kalanick stepped down, amid a wave of departures by senior executives who either resigned or were forced out during Uber’s ongoing scandals. Right now, Uber needs a chief financial officer, a chief marketing officer, a general counsel, and a head of engineering. Meanwhile, whoever takes over as CEO will be keen to recast the company’s public image, whatever the cost. Now is the perfect time for anyone who has tangled with Uber to ramp up pressure. Politicians, regulators, and labor leaders might find that a kinder, gentler Uber is suddenly willing to listen to their demands.

      Shira Ovide在Bloomberg上说。“优步的敌人:这是你的机会。”说的婉转些,在Kalanick下台前优步已经面临着巨大的领导缺失,中高级管理人员或辞职或因优步的丑闻被迫离职。现在,尤伯杯需要一名首席财务官,一名首席营销官,一名总顾问和一名工程主管。与此同时,无论谁担任首席执行官,都会急于不计成本地重塑公司的公众形象。现在是任何与优步纠缠不清的人来施压的**时机。政客、监管者和劳工领袖可能会发现一个友善、温和、突然愿意倾听他们的要求的优步。

      There are already "barbarians at Uber’s gate," said Christopher Mims atThe Wall Street Journal. Lyft, its biggest competitor in the U.S., is now in the same number of markets, and has grown its market share of rides from 10 percent to 25 percent over the past two years "with far less investment." Abroad, Uber has grabbed significant market share through aggressive spending, but it still has to fend off dozens of competitors that are finding that there aren’t "significant barriers to new entrants in ride sharing." So instead of looking like a budding monopoly, Uber is now saddled with a damaged reputation and a business model that’s proven easier than expected to copy. It isn’t hard to imagine that investors will start to wonder whether Uber is truly worth its eye-popping valuation. Memo to Uber’s next CEO: "The problems may be bigger than you think."

      Christopher Mims在华尔街日报上说:“优步已经有‘门口的野蛮人’的危机。”在美国,其最大的竞争对手Lyft公司,现在与其市场数量相同,并且在过去的两年里以“更少的投资”使其市场份额从10%升至25%,优步通过积极的支出在国外已抓住了巨大的市场份额,但它仍然需要击退许多在共享领域没有重大障碍的新竞争者。所以,并非看上去的新垄断企业,优步现在背负着受损的声誉和比预期更容易复制的商业模式。不难想象,投资者会开始怀疑优步是否真的值那个令人瞠目结舌的估值。给下一位CEO的通知:“问题可能比你想象的要大。”











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